domingo, 25 de maio de 2008

I´m Bad

Caught by nature, i´m bad deep there
tell me you love me, i´m worst then a nightmare
with a botle of whisky i know i can
to treat you better, to be a good man

with all the bad that covers me
i can disguise my sickness, i can try to hide
i could go to Paris, i just wanna fly high

My brother, my woman, my friend
Can you join me in this crazy dance
The Evil arrives shortly
maybe he will make me a better man

But i´m not worried about you or anyone
I´m bad, don´t forget that
i can take who ever i wan´t
I don´t feel bad to be bad

i would like you to know that tomorow
i can try to find a path, a path that takes me home
A Path that will show me death.

I will die first, i will die fast!

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008

A Time To Become A Man

It was a time
When memories first form
Wrapping themselves
Around new young emotions

A time when snowflakes first fall

It was a merging time
When hearts collide
And the dances begin
Inside the hearts
Of two strangers

It was a time of rivers
And winds that roll softly
Across spring grasses
Only to fly up again
Towards the mountains

It was a time
When I put away
Childish things
And became a man

Cecil Krieger

sexta-feira, 9 de maio de 2008

sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Fantasma Censura

Não entendo  porquê! Já é o segundo texto que publico e que passado 1 dia desaparece aqui da página por obra sabe-se lá de quem. É muito estranho, pois assim que os publiquei, confirmei que estavam visiveis na página, mas passado 1 dia desaparecem! Mistérios...Só aqui! No melancólica Independência! Eles andam ai!